Our daily schedule will vary slightly day-to-day based on the needs and desires of the children but the following is a typical day here at Little Acorn...
Free play indoors with
manipulative activities,
crayons, art, singing songs
Outdoor Play
Group Time
(Group lessons,
music and art. We will talk
about our day and what is
expected of us.)
Individual Time
(Children will play with learning
materials including Montessori as
individual or small group lessons.)
Outdoor Play/Lunch
Rest Time
Snack/Outdoor Play
We provide a comprehensive program that engages the child's whole body and mind according
to their current and ever-changing abilities and needs. Many of these needs are met and abilities practiced through activities that do not always produce a 'take-home' end product.
Rest assured that if you are not seeing products daily, they are learning and growing every single minute of every single day.
We plan our day using a consistent routine which gives the children a sense of control over the events of the day, allows them to anticipate what will happen next, and limits transitions.

We strongly advocate and support the Christian values of caring, sharing, and loving. We believe strongly in strengthening the self-esteem of the child while nurturing his/her respect for fellow beings. With these values in mind a Compassion Calendar was developed with monthly service projects to give back to our community.
The Compassion Calendar is always ongoing and coincided
with "366 Random Acts in 2013 ", a blog that I kept for the
year of 2013.
We participate in several community service projects
throughout the year and will keep families informed on
upcoming events and opportunities through our private
Facebook page. For details on any of the drives or events or
to participate please contact us for additional information.