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In this busy world, life moves quickly. Hectic schedules sometimes don't let children be children. The first 5 years of a child's life is a time for nurturing, lots of play, exploring nature outside in the fresh air, and learning to be a kind, caring friend. It is a time to be cherished.


Our mission is to cultivate future leaders passionate about making a positive impact on local and global communities.  


Daily we incorporate concepts, themes and activities to teach children that

they are part of a larger community, whether family, school, country, or

planet and that with these relationships comes responsibilities. Whether

personal responsibilities such as hygiene, safety and character or social

responsibilities such as consideration of, and cooperation with others.


We strongly believe children learn by playing, so there are many opportunities

through the day for children to play in an uninterrupted and open way.  We

believe learning is an ongoing collaboration between children, caregivers and




We occasionally utilize packaged curriculum programs for children 3 years to 5 years to supplement learning.

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